
The Options dialog enables you to carry out all of the settings. Press the Options button on the Auxiliary toolbar in the bottom-left corner of the main window to open this dialog. Press the Save options button on the same toolbar to save changes and to use new settings next time the program is started. If you don’t save the settings, it is valid only before closing the program.



PP2CAN: Nastavení BIT TIMING registrů (rychlost CAN sběrnice, vzorkování)

Options dialog (v 1.764).


Baud rate and semple point settings.

Options dialog (v 2.xxx).



Check TX Error

If you select this option, the program will read out the TEC register (Transit Error Counter). With PP2CAN adapter this can decrease the number of sent messages per second and increase the number of uncaptured messages (OVR, RCV_OVERFLOW). It is recommended to disable this option if you use this adapter.


Check Rx Error

If you select this option, the program will read out the

REC register (Receive Error Counter). With PP2CAN adapter this can decrease the number of sent messages per second and increase the number of uncaptured messages (OVR, RCV_OVERFLOW). It is recommended to disable this option if you use this adapter.



Fast refresh

Enables smooth rendering of graphs. However, it will increase the CPU usage. It is recommended to disable this option.




No additional identifier type is displayed.


MCP251x Identifier

The identifier is displayed in binary format in the sent/received messages log; it has a format of MCP2510/2515/PIC CAN/PIC ECAN CAN controller registry.


SJA1000 Identifier

The identifier is displayed in binary format in the sent/received messages log; it has a format of SJA 1000 CAN controller registry.


I82527/CC7x0 Id

The identifier is displayed in binary format in the sent/received messages log; it has a format of I82527/CC7´0 CAN controller registry.


Auto reset

Only certain number of messages is being kept in the R log (receive log) and S log (send log) if this option is checked. You can set the number in the pp2can.cfg file for version 1.xx and in the file x2can.cfg for version 2.xx respectively. For version 2.012 and higher this option doesn’t affect the CPU usage significantly. Log file can contain tens of thousands of messages without rising the usage. However, enabling this option for earlier versions cuts down the CPU usage.




Realtime priority setting for PP2CAN SW.



High priority setting for PP2CAN SW.



Normal priority setting for PP2CAN SW.



Low priority setting for PP2CAN SW.


Receive refresh

10/25/50 ms

Interval setting for selection and processing messages with PP2CAN.




PP2CAN Rev. 0 High speed

Compatibility mode with original development version.


PP2CAN Rev. 1 High speed

Standard PP2CAN adapter for high speed CAN bus (ISO 11898-2).


PP2CAN Rev. 2 Low  speed

Standard PP2CAN adapter for low speed CAN bus (ISO 11519, ISO 11898-3).


PP2CAN Rev. 3 Single wire

Standard PP2CAN adapter for single wire CAN bus (SAE J2411).


USB2CAN Rev. 1 High speed

Standard USB2CAN adapter for high speed CAN bus (ISO 11898-2).


USB2CAN Rev. 1 Low speed

Standard USB2CAN adapter for low speed CAN bus (ISO 11519, ISO 11898-3).


V2CAN Virtual CAN interface

Virtual CAN interface for offline data analysis.


IXXAT iPC-I 165/PCI port 1

Experimental support.


IXXAT iPC-I 165/PCI port 2

Experimental support.



Passive mode


Setting only for receiving, prevents from unwanted sending of a message to the bus.

Useful when analyzing unknown CAN protocol.



Extended ID format


Extended 29-bit identifier is divided into two parts: standard 11-bit part and extended 18-bit part. PP2CAN SW prefers to use this format.



Extended 29-bit identifier is not divided.


Numeric format


IIdentifier is shown in a decimal format in the log.



Identifier is shown in a hexadecimal format in the log.

Note: To put the hexadecimal numbers in most of the fields, just enter the prefix “0x”. You can enter the number 255 as a 0xFF. You can enter binary numbers as well using the “b” prefix with 8 bits of maximum length. Enter b1010 as a binary representation of 10.


File logging

Logging as ASCII

If File logging is active, data bytes are written in the log as ASCII characters.





Time stamp

Precise Time-stamp

More precise identifying of message receiving time, increases CPU usage. However, this option is recommended if you later intend to perform an offline log analysis using File sender and its Real-time mode.





Base address

Parallel port address for PP2CAN adapter connection.




Open by Description

Device description-driven selection variant of USB2CAN adapter.


Open by Seriál Numer

Serial number-driven selection variant of USB2CAN adapter.


Open by Device #

Device number-driven selection variant of USB2CAN adapter.



Start searching for FTDI circuit-based device, i.e. USB2CAN adapter as well.



CAN ID Dictionary

Dictionary file

CAN message dictionary file name and path.



Display the dialog for selection of CAN message

dictionary file.


Enable dictionary names

Allows to display CAN message names in R and S log in terms of CAN message dictionary.


Enable dictionary filtering

Allows to filter messages depending on CAN message dictionary.



The dictionary is searched for the message name by identifier.


Id  + DB0 + DB1

The dictionary is searched for the message name by identifier, the first and the second data byte.


DB0 + DB1 + DB2

The dictionary is searched for the message name by the first, second and third data byte.


DB1 + DB2

The dictionary is searched for the message name by second and third data byte.


Id + DB0

The dictionary is searched for the message name by identifier and first data byte.


DB0 + DB1

The dictionary is searched for the message name by the first and the second data byte.


Id + DB1 + DB2 + DB3

The dictionary is searched for the message name by the identifier, the first, second and third data byte.


DB1 + DB2 + DB3

The dictionary is searched for the message name by the second, third and fourth data byte.





User setting of communication speed and sampling point for PP2CAN adapter. This adapter uses MCP2515 CAN bus controller and 20 MHz time crystal with 20 ppm precision.

Note: You can adjust the default timing register settings for particular communication speeds in the x2can file both for PP2CAN and USB2CAN adapter. This option is present in version 2.00 and later. USB2CAN adapter uses the SJA 1000 circuit and 16 MHz crystal.



When you press the OK button to close the dialog, the parameters are set and valid only before the application is closed. When using CAN adapter, you must reset the CAN by pressing the Reset CAN button. Press the Save options button in the main application window to save the parameters for use next time the application is started. The selected communication speed is saved as well.